IPv6 Scope ID




IPv6 Scope ID

When an IPv6 connection attempts fails with some kind of "routing" error, then this "routing" error might be caused by not having entered an IPv6 Scope ID. Possible and hopefully the correct IPv6 ScopeID will fix this "routing" error.


Windows Vista and newer

Windows XP and Server 2003

Obtaining the IPv6 Scope ID

Option 1:

Option 2:

Client PC with multiple network cards

If the Client PC has multiple network cards, it will also have multiple IPv6 Scope ID's. In such a case, see Option 1: Contact the IT department that supports the Client PC and ask them about the appropriate IPv6 ScopeID for this Client PC, such that this Client PC can connect with the AADServer(s).


Default an IPv6 Scope ID is required.

Obtaining the IPv6 Scope ID

Option 1:

Option 2:

The IPv6 ScopeID of this Mac is 4.

Mac with multiple network cards

If the Client Mac has multiple network cards, it will also have multiple IPv6 Scope ID's. In such a case, see Option 1: Contact the IT department that supports the Client Mac and ask them about the appropriate IPv6 ScopeID for this Client Mac, such that this Client Mac can connect with the AADServer(s).


Linux Client with multiple network cards

If the Linux Client has multiple network cards, it will also have multiple IPv6 Scope ID's. In such a case: Contact the IT department that supports the Linux Client and ask them about the appropriate IPv6 ScopeID for this Linux Client, such that this Linux Client can connect with the AADServer(s).

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