Uninstall or Remove of the AADS Terminal Server Software is not done using Add/Remove software.
Uninstall or Remove of the AADS Terminal Server Software is done using the Maintenance Program.
You can find this program in your Start menu, Settings / Control Panel / Administrative Tools.
The procedure for Removing or un-installing AADS Terminal Server is described in the manual.
Before you consider to uninstall AADS Terminal Server, you should know that uninstall AADS Terminal Server does not solve any problem.
Uninstall AADS Terminal Server does only do:
If you want to fix some kind of AADS Terminal Server problem, all you have to do is re-install AADS Terminal Server. Do not uninstall AADS Terminal Server. Re-install AADS Terminal Server on top of the current installation.
Uninstall AADServer has NO relevance for the AADS License Scheme.
Uninstall software is irrelevant when it is about Licensed Software, because using disk-copies or using VM's (Virtualization) it is possible to make a "complete backup" including the Software License, just prior to uninstall, implying that the act of uninstall of the Software License is irrelevant for upholding the License Scheme.
When it is about Software Licenses, install and using is relevant, and only when installing or using AADServer, the AADS License will be validated.
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