Server 2003




Firewall - Windows Server 2003

The following information shows how you can open port 3389 on a Windows installation. However, quite often the Windows Firewall is under control of the anti-virus software or other security-related software. Therefore the following information might not always be applicable.


Enable the Windows Server 2003 Firewall.


Create Port Rule


Check "Remote Desktop". The selected "Remote Desktop" is equivalent to opening TCP Port 3389 in the Windows XP Firewall.

If you have changed the default  RDP port of your AADS Terminal Server to something else, be sure to define the same TCP port in the Windows Firewall.
For example, if the default RDP port of your AADServer is 12345, proceed as follows:

The RDP port number of the AADS Terminal Server is set to 12345. This setting must also be done in the Windows Firewall. Click on "Add Port":


The result will be:

Change Port Rule

If you have changed the default  RDP port of your AADS Terminal Server to something else, be sure to define the same TCP port in the Windows Firewall.
For example, if the default RDP port of your AADServer is 54321, proceed as follows:

The RDP port number of the AADS Terminal Server is now set to 54321. This setting must also be done in the Windows Firewall:

AADServer in a Farm

When this Server is used in an AADS Farm, default it will be using port 3390 for the Farm-communication. The protocol is UDP:

Create a port in the Windows Firewall for UDP on port 3390 by clicking on "Add Port":

The result will be:


Additional Firewall Security for the Farm

In the example above, the broadcast address for the Farm is This implies that the Farm is running on the network-scope/range

It is possible to limit the Firewall rule "AADS-Farm-UDP" to the the network-scope/range, which is more secure:

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