Customize Logon Look-And-Feel (WXP/W2k3)




Customize Logon Look-And-Feel (WXP/W2k3)

Customization of the Logon Screen is only available for WXP and W2k3 Server. Unfortunately it is not available in newer versions of Windows, because Microsoft has removed the ability to do this.

The examples 1,2 and 3 do use the following bitmap:

Example 3 uses

The images must be BMP files. They can not be, for instance, JPEG or PNG files.


Example 1

The Logon Bitmap is full screen. The Text Box settings are relative to the Logon Bitmap. Because the Logon Bitmap is full screen, the Text Box settings are bounded by the Screen.

Example 2

Example 3

The Logon Bitmap is not full screen. The Text Box settings are relative to the Logon Bitmap.
The file "aads_logon_clouds_280x208.bmp" is shown on top of the Winlogon, full screen bitmap "miramar_tower_1024x768.bmp"

When working with our Maintenance Program and adjusting the Logon Look-And-Feel, you might accidentally enter wrong settings. An error will be shown with a number. These numbers do mean the following:

The registry key AADServer\Logon LookAndFeel does not exist.

Err2 - Err97
The registry keys below AADServer\Logon LookAndFeel do not exist.

Logon bitmap can not be read or does not exists.

Left Logon bitmap is invalid. The range is 0%..100% or a number of pixels which should be lower then the width of the desktop. If the bitmap does not fit small screens like PDAs, the default login look-and-feel will be shown.

Top Logon bitmap is invalid. The range is 0%..100% or a number of pixels which should be lower then the height of the desktop. If the bitmap does not fit small screens like PDAs, the default login look-and-feel will be shown.

Width Logon bitmap is invalid. Must be 200 (Pixels) or more, and should be less then width of the screen. If the bitmap does not fit small screens like PDAs, the default login look-and-feel will be shown.

Height Logon bitmap is invalid. Must be 200 (Pixels) or more, and should be less then height of the screen. If the bitmap does not fit small screens like PDAs, the default login look-and-feel will be shown.

Left Text box is invalid. The range is 0%..100%, or 0 (Pixels) or more, and should be less then width of the logon bitmap.

Top Text box is invalid. The range is 0%..100%, or 0 (Pixels) or more, and should be less then height of the logon bitmap.

Width Text box is invalid. The range is 140 (Pixels) or more, and should be less then width of the logon bitmap.

Height Text box is invalid. The range is 60 (Pixels) or more, and should be less then height of the logon bitmap.

Fontcolor is invalid. Must be 3 numbers, Red, Green and Blue, each in the range 0..255.

Fontsize is invalid. Range is 6..30.

Transparency is invalid. Range is -100%..100%. Negative percentage makes the Textbox area darker, where -100% is black. Positive percentage makes the Textbox area lighter, where 100% is white.

Left Progressbar is invalid. The range is 0%..100%, or 0 (Pixels) or more, and should be less then width of the logon bitmap.

Top Progressbar is invalid. The range is 0%..100%, or 0 (Pixels) or more, and should be less then height of the logon bitmap.

Width Progressbar is invalid. The range is 0%..100%, or 100 (Pixels) or more, and should be less then height of the logon bitmap.

Height Progressbar is invalid. The range is 8 (Pixels) or more, and should be less then height of the logon bitmap.

Progressbarcolor is invalid. Must be 3 numbers, Red, Green and Blue, each in the range 0..255.

Winlogon backgroundcolor is invalid. Must be 3 numbers, Red, Green and Blue, each in the range 0..255.

Winlogon bitmap can not be read or does not exists.

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