Custom Logon




Custom Logon

Custom Logon is available in every AADS version for Windows Vista and newer.

The subject "Custom Logon" is not for the end-user, but for the Administrator and Software Developer.

Be very carefully: if a mistake is made, the logon process will fail, possible resulting in a completely unusable server.
At least Windows-safe-mode is needed in order to recover from a wrong settings.

"Custom Logon" enables Third Parties or AADS customers to have their "own" logic, achieved by their "own" program/software. This can be used for (example)

Whatever the "Custom Logon Program/Software" does, is not decided by AADS. The functionality of the "Custom Logon Program/Software" is defined by the Software Developer of the "Custom Logon Program/Software".

The "Custom Logon Program/Software" runs within the security context of the logged-on RDP user.


Registry Entries

Location of the registry keys


Registry key Names, Types and Default values

Registry keyname Type Default Value Required Values
useGina Program Name REG_SZ <empty>  Valid Filename, either x32 or x64 executable
useGina Delay between Program Restarts (sec) REG_DWORD [1..600]
useGina TimeOut Running Program (sec) REG_DWORD 300 [0..3600]
useGina If Member of Group REG_SZ <empty>  Valid Group name, either a Local Group or a Domain Group
useGina Do Apply to Console REG_DWORD 0 [0..1]

useGina Do Apply to Console

useGina If Member of Group


useGina Program Name

useGina TimeOut Running Program (sec)

useGina Delay between Program Restarts (sec)

Time is one of the "enemies" of an hacker. Causing "long" time delays between hack/logon attempts, reduces the ability of the hacker to do brute-force logon attempts.

HowTo Test

Step 1

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

"useGina Program Name"="C:\\Program Files\\AADServer\\AADSTestToolGenerateUsers.exe"
"useGina Delay between Program Restarts (sec)"=dword:00000005
"useGina TimeOut Running Program (sec)"=dword:0000012C
"useGina If Member of Group"="TestExitCode"
"useGina Do Apply to Console"= dword:00000000

Note: the value 12C is hex for 300, which is 5 minutes.


Step 2

rem test
echo on
cd C:\test

Step 3


When the functionality of Custom Logon is applied to an user, a logfile for the user will be created:

Example Local User

Example Domain User

Example logging

09-03-2020 13:39:45.528 Log Started: C:\Users\domain002\AppData\Roaming\AADServer\7\AADServer_SessionInit.utf8.log [UTC:09-03-2020 13:39:45][PID:2136][Session:7] 16
09-03-2020 13:39:45.528|I|UseGINA|Use GINA [yes]
09-03-2020 13:39:45.528|I|UseGINA|[useGina Program Name][C:\Program Files\AADServer\testexitcode.exe]
09-03-2020 13:39:45.528|I|UseGINA|[useGina TimeOut between Program Restarts (sec)][5]
09-03-2020 13:39:45.528|I|UseGINA|[useGina TimeOut Running Program][300]
09-03-2020 13:39:45.528|I|UseGINA|[useGina If Member of Group][TestExitCode]
09-03-2020 13:39:45.528|I|UseGINA|[useGina Do Apply to Console][no]
09-03-2020 13:39:45.529|I|UseGINA|User [IPC\domain002] does belong to group [TestExitCode]
09-03-2020 13:39:45.799|I|UseGINA|Process [C:\Program Files\AADServer\testexitcode.exe]
09-03-2020 13:44:45.754|W|UseGINA|Timeout/running time to long
09-03-2020 13:44:45.948|I|UseGINA|Use GINA ExitCode[0]
09-03-2020 13:44:45.948|W|UseGINA|Use GINA result: logoff
09-03-2020 13:44:45.948|I|Wait(mSec): 0
09-03-2020 13:44:45.948|I|CNTin1GO: 5 09-03-2020 13:39:45
09-03-2020 13:44:45.948 Log stopped

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