Create a Support-ZIP-file when asking support




Create a Support-ZIP-file when asking support

When asking us support on AADS Terminal Server, please mail us the Support-ZIP-file. This ZIP-file will be placed on your desktop, and it will contain all the information we need to analyse the problem.
Important: when creating a Support-ZIP-file, be sure to login on the AADS Terminal Server as an Administrator. Otherwise information might not show up in the logfile.

There are 2 ZIP Support Files:


AADServer ZIP Support File: ZIP Folder on Desktop

The ZIP-Support-File of the Server will be a ZIP-Folder created on the Desktop.
This ZIP-Folder contains 1 or more ZIP Files.
When sending us a support email, be sure to send us all the ZIP Support Files in this ZIP-Folder on the Desktop.
If it is not possible to send all ZIP Files in 1 email, send us multiple emails, each containing 1 of the multiple ZIP Files.


Setup program

In case the installation goes wrong, the last Setup-screen will be as follows:

Use the ZIP-button for creating the Support-ZIP-file. The ZIP-Support-File will be created on the desktop.

Maintenance Control

If AADS Terminal Server is installed on your system, but there is some kind of issue and you need support,
you can use the Maintenance tool for creating the Support-ZIP-file:

AADS Client Software

In case there are issues with the AADS Client Software, the tabpage Support contains a ZIP Support Button.
By clicking on the button, a Client-ZIP-Support-File will be created on the desktop:

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