Command Line parameters




Command line parameters

The AADS Client understands 4 command line parameters:

1 RDP file Personal RDP-file for the user. Read / Write access
2 v001c003 file Personal v001c003 file which indicates an AADS Farm Read / Write access
3 RDP file Master RDP file Read access
4 v001c003 file Master v001c003 file Read access

Example how to use these 4 command line parameters:

The following 2 shortcuts on the desktop of the user can be created for accessing Farm 1 and Farm 2:

aadWin32client.exe %homepath%\farm1.rdp %homepath%\farm1_v001c003.txt G:\master\farm1.rdp G:\master\farm1_v001c003.txt

aadWin32client.exe %homepath%\farm2.rdp %homepath%\farm2_v001c003.txt G:\master\farm2.rdp G:\master\farm2_v001c003.txt

(the examples above are 1 long command line with 4 command line parameters)

Farm 1 explained:

1 RDP file %homepath%\farm1.rdp
This will be the personal RDP file for the user. The environment variable will be expanded. However, the very first time, this file does not exist. In that case the master file in command line parameter 3 will be used.
2 v001c003 file %homepath%\farm1_v001c003.txt
Personal v001c003 file which indicates Farm 1. This fill will be created and updated. The very first time this file does not exist. In that case the master file in command line parameter 4 will be used, and the user will not be prompted for an IP Address of a server in the Farm.
3 RDP file G:\master\farm1.rdp
This RDP file should contain correct initial values for the users of Farm1. It will only be red, once, when the personal RDP file as indicated by command line parameter 1 does not exist.
4 v001c003 file G:\master\farm1_v001c003.txt
This v001c003 farm file should contain initial values for the users of Farm1. It will only be red, once, when the personal v001c003 file as indicated by command line parameter 2 does not exist.

The Administrator can create several shortcuts for accessing the multiple Farms.

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